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Christian Life

As a Christian university, Bethel believes that spiritual life is a big part of what it means to be a human being.

the chapel on campus

Welcome to Chapel

In our culture, the physical and spiritual dimensions of the person tend to be neglected, and so, like the PE classes that are required for the physical being, we require some basic biblical studies classes and chapel attendance for the development of the spiritual component.

We know and recognize the fact that every student is of great value as a child of the living God. Therefore, all aspects of a being—physical, mental, social, and spiritual—are of worth. We are and will continue to give our students all the ingredients necessary for them to reach their full potential in a Christian environment, and we believe chapel is a part of that. The words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have withstood the test of time. "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Chapel Requirements

All full-time traditional undergraduate freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are required to attend the weekly services. This requirement can be fulfilled by attending the Chapel service on Tuesdays or the Communion service on Thursdays. Chapel requirements for each class are as follows:

  • Freshmen:

    12 services per semester

  • Sophomores:

    6 services per semester

  • Juniors:

    3 services per semester

If in extenuating circumstances, students cannot attend the weekly services, they can put the love of Christ into action by giving an hour of community service for each required worship service.

  • To receive credit for community service, students must complete the Community Service Log and return it to the Mission and Outreach Coordinator no later than the Monday of the final exam week.
  • Community service projects must be completed during the semester for which Chapel credit is to be earned.
  • If students choose not to attend the weekly services or participate in community service, the final option is to donate $10.00 for each required worship service to Bethel community service projects.
  • If students do not meet the semester requirement, a $10.00 non-compliance fee for each required worship service will be the default option. All money collected will go towards Bethel community service projects.
  • In extreme hardship cases, the Dean of Student Life who will grant exemptions from attending the weekly services on a case by case basis. 

If you have questions about the chapel requirements, contact Garrett Burns at or (731) 352-6449.

Dr. Anne Hames,

Senior Chaplain

Office Location: C114, Vera Low Center for Student Enrichment
(731) 352-4066

Chris Esch,

Mission and Outreach Coordinator

(731) 352-4291

Communion Services

Communion Services are every Thursday at 11:00 AM in Cole Chapel on the third floor of Campbell Hall.