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Hutchins Scholar Awarded to Kera Meggs

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by Bethel University

Kera Meggs news 4

MCKENZIE, Tenn. September 8, 2020 - Bethel University awards the 2020-2021 Hutchins Scholar Award to Kera Meggs.

Meggs, senior Business Administration with an emphasis in Accounting, is a native of Huntington, Tenn. Meggs plans to work towards her CPA license after graduation and join an accounting firm.

"It is an honor and very humbling to receive this scholarship," Meggs stated. "Bethel has prepared me for my next steps in life. During my time at Bethel, I have grown a lot—academically, personally and spiritually."

The Hutchins Scholar Award was established by Bethel in 1976 to honor the generosity and Christian ideals of George & Lottie Mae Hutchins of Marshall, Texas. Each year, the award is presented to the rising Bethel senior who has achieved the highest academic average and has completed the application process. The recipient of the Hutchins Award is granted full tuition for each semester of his or her senior year, a $500 check, and an engraved plaque.

"It is a great honor for me to present this award and scholarship to Kera Meggs," stated Cindy Mallard, Vice President and Academic Dean. "Ms. Meggs is a member of Gamma Beta Phi and is the honor society's Historian for Bethel University. She has been a Star Leader, and she has been active in various community outreach programs, including RIFA Soup Kitchen and three mission trips. I know we will continue to see her succeed in all future endeavors."

In establishing this $375,000 endowed trust fund, Mr. and Mrs. Hutchins said:

"Our supreme interest in life has been religious and humanitarian. We have regarded such advantages, opportunities, and possessions as were ours as a trust from God, to be administered in a spirit of responsibility and helpfulness. As this feeling has grown on us, life has taken on a greater meaning with each passing year.

It is in the light of this meaning that we have created this trust. We wish this instrument to speak for God, for Jesus Christ, and for the cause of Christianity, which we have sought to serve in sincerity and truth. Because He has done so much for us and through us, we wish to live on in His service herein below long after our spirit has gone to dwell with Him forever. We have genuinely loved our fellow man and have sought to serve to the best of our ability."

A belief in Christ, an outstanding mind, a tremendous work ethic, a devotion to family, and service to others are all characteristics of the Bethel University Hutchins Scholar.