by Bethel University

McKenzie, TN
David Rausch, Director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, will present a continuing education seminar at Bethel University on Saturday, March 14, 2020.
The seminar, entitled Leading Through Transition, trains participants to manage organizational change through a shift in philosophy, a shift in operations, a change of location, or a move to a new leadership position with a new organization.
“Leading through transition is a process that must be understood as fragile and will require an approach that is calculated and intentional. There are key areas of focus that must be understood and considered as the transition is planned,” stated Director Rausch. Leading Through Transition is a presentation to provide insight into those areas of focus that one must consider in order to create an approach that will be successful.”
Director Rausch has over 30 years of experience in law enforcement. In that time. he has completed numerous law enforcement and leadership programs including the FBI National Academy, FBI National Executive Institute, PERF Senior Management Institute, SPI Administrative Officers Course, Leadership Knoxville, Leadership Nashville, and Leadership Tennessee. He was recently appointed to the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice by US Attorney General William Barr.
Bethel University Vice President Dr. Kimberly Martin commented, “Director Rausch has been a faculty member in our criminal justice program for years, and we are excited to have this opportunity for him to share his vast expertise with the public, as well as with our undergraduate and graduate students.”
Seminar participants using the session to meet professional development requirements may elect to receive a certificate for three Peace Officer’s Standards and Training (POST) hours, three professional development hours, or .3 continuing education units. The seminar costs $65 for non-student participants and will be held in room 109 of the Ray and Linda Morris Science Complex at Bethel’s McKenzie campus on March 14 at 9 a.m. The deadline to register is Thursday, March 12.
To register for the Leading Through Transition seminar, email or call 731-407-7631.