Wall of Faith Honorees
Wall of Faith
The Wall of Faith honors current or past Cumberland Presbyterian ministers and their spouses who have impacted the lives of others through their service to the denomination.

Wall of Faith Honorees
The following individuals and couples have been memorialized through endowment on the Wall of Faith. We are indebted to them for their service to the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination.
Rev. A.C. & Mrs. Ruth Acton
Rev. Gildardo Agudelo
Rev. Don Charles & Mrs. Carolyn Alexander
Rev. Merlyn & Mrs. Joann Alexander
Rev. Jeremias & Mrs. Esther Aros
Rev. Dr. E. Colvin & Mrs. Thalia Baird
Rev. Dr. Ben M. & Mrs. Joyce Barrus
Rev. Clarence & Mrs. Vivian Bline
Rev. Barry & Mrs. Jennifer Boggs
Rev. Leslie & Mrs. Beverly Bone
Rev. Dr. Paul & Mrs. Beverly Brown
Rev. Dr. Clinton & Mrs. Evelyn Buck
Rev. George A. & Mrs. Shirley Butler
Rev. Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Laura Butler
Rev. Dr. Thomas Dishman & Mrs. Linda Campbell
Rev. Dr. Thomas H. & Mrs. Margaret Estes Campbell
Rev. Dr. Jonathan & Mrs. Barbara Clark
Rev. Herbert W. Carlock, Jr.
Rev. Dr. Jon T. Carlock
Rev. Paul Cook
Rev. Matthew Dean & Mrs. Rita Cunningham
Rev. David and Rev. Luz Maria de Montoya
Rev. Dr. C. Ray & Mrs. Mary Alice Dobbins
Rev. Lowell & Mrs. Fern Drinkall
Rev. Dr. George & Mrs. Janie Estes
Rev. Dr. Loyce & Mrs. Trudy Estes
Rev. Samuel & Mrs. Mary Grace Estes, Sr.
Rev. Samuel Russell & Mrs. Louise Estes, Jr.
Rev. Charles & Mrs. Jeannine Faith
Rev. Charles T. Faith and Rev. Argyle Ray Faith
Rev. Dr. Jose & Mrs. Fanny Fajardo
Rev. Robert & Mrs. Edna Gene Forester
Rev. Dr. McAdow & Mrs. Mae Gam
Rev. Michele Gentry de Correal
Rev. & Mrs. James C. Gilbert & family
Rev. Larry Guin
Rev. Dean Guye
Rev. Brian & Mrs. Debbie Hayes
Rev. Dr. J. David & Mrs. Barbara Hester
Rev. Cortis E. Hill
Rev. Dr. Jody & Mrs. Monya Hill
Chap. Orvie Ray Howton
Rev. Dr. J. Pratt & Mrs. Iris Hubbard
Rev. Richard W. & Mrs. Marcia Hughes
Rev. Charles & Mrs. Patricia Hughes
Rev. Jearl & Mrs. Charlotte Hunley
Rev. Ray & Mrs. Lola Janes
Rev. Tony Janner
Rev. Robert H. & Mrs. Genevie Johnson
Rev. Scott & Mrs. Rebecca Johnson
Rev. Wes Johnson
Rev. James W. & Mrs. Helen Shelton Knight
Rev. Eugene Leslie
Rev. Dr. Marvin & Mrs. Jenann Demuth Leslie
Rev. Ronald Lee & Mrs. Linda Longmire
Rev. John & Mrs. Joyce Lovelace
Rev. William & Mrs. Shirley Macy
Rev. Dr. Craig & Mrs. Margie Martindale
Rev. Ralph & Mrs. Rachel Matlock
Rev. Terence R. McCain, Sr.
Rev. Maj. James Carroll Messer
Rev. Jason & Mrs. Suzanne Mikel
Rev. Howell G. & Dr. Martha Jo Mims
Rev. Larry & Lou Moss
Rev. David & Rev. Luz Maria H. Montoya
Rev. & Mrs. John David Moreland
Rev. Calvin & Mrs. Wynemia Mouser
Rev. Willard M. & Mrs. Betty L. Murrie
Oak Ridge CPC Ministers
Rev. Wilfrido Quiñonez Obando
Rev. Wendell & Mrs. Anna Jean Ordway
Rev. Melvin L. & Mrs. Naomi Broadway Orr
Rev. Arturo & Mrs. Carmen Ortiz
Rev. Bert & Mrs. Patty Owen, Jr.
Pastors & Spouses that have served the Tusculum & Woodbine CP Churches
Rev. Wayne & Mrs. Ann Parks
Rev. Morris & Mrs. Ruth Pepper
Rev. Fhanor Pejendino & Rev. William Yeung
Rev. John Francis & Mrs. Diann Phelps
Rev. Ronnie & Mrs. Rena Pittinger
Rev. Col. Omer Thomas & Mrs. Josephine Powell
Rev. Dr. Robert D. Prosser
Rev. W. Jean & Mrs. Regena Richardson
Rev. Dr. Paul & Mrs. Carmen Rodriguez
Rev. Bill Rolman, Jr.
Rev. William & Mrs. Earline Rolman
Rev. Sam & Mrs. Aluria Romines
Rev. Sammy Kay Romines
Rev. Allie & Mrs. Mary Rudolph
Rev. Dr. William & Mrs. Dolores Rustenhaven
Rev. A.D. & Mrs. Helen Margaret Salisbury
Rev. Vernon & Mrs. Tina Sansom, Jr.
Rev. Fred W. Schott, Jr.
Rev. Norlan & Mrs. Ellie Scrudder
Rev. Rich & Mrs. Jo Ann Shugert
Rev. Alister Sinclair
Rev. Hinkley & Mrs. Vista Smartt
Rev. Albert & Mrs. June Smith
Rev. John W. Stiles
Rev. Donald and Mrs. Marion Sweet
Rev. Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Rhonda Sweet
Rev. Dr. Mitchell & Mrs. Mary Elaine Walker, Sr.
Rev. Lyon & Joyce Walkup
Rev. Dr. Robert & Mrs. Marji Watkins
Rev. W.O. & Mrs. Buena Dale Wayman
Rev. Virgil T. & Mrs. Sue B. Weeks
Rev. Mack & Mrs. Virginia White
Rev. Dr. Wayne Wiman
Rev. Wayne & Mrs. Gaye Wood
Rev. William Wood & Mrs. Kathryn Wood
Rev. Tadao & Mrs. Naomi Yoshizaki
Note: Some of the individuals on this list have been endowed more than one time on the Wall of Faith. The names are included only once here, but are included on multiple leaves on the Wall of Faith monument at Bethel University.