Campus Security Authorities
Submit a Report
If you are a Campus Security Authority and need to submit a report, please use the report form below.
What Must Be Reported For the Clery Act?
The criminal offenses that are required to be reported are:
- Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter
- Negligent Manslaughter
- Rape
- Fondling
- Statutory Rape
- Incest
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Dating Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Arson
- Liquor Law Violations
- Drug Abuse Violations
- Weapons Law Violations
Bethel is also required to report statistics for hate crimes. Hate crimes are those that are committed as a result of the perpetrator’s bias against the victim. The categories of bias include the victim’s actual or perceived race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, and disability.
In addition to the Clery Act crimes listed above, hate crimes also include:
- Larceny-Theft
- Intimidation
- Simple Assault
- Vandalism / Destruction
We are required to report offenses that occur within our Clery Geography, which is defined as:
- On Campus and Residence Facilities – Buildings or property owned or controlled by the University, such as academic buildings, dormitories, office buildings, etc.
- Non-Campus Property – Buildings or property that the University has control over through a lease or agreement, or is owned or controlled by a university-recognized student organization, such as the Wildcat Hockey Rink, etc.
- Public Property – Public property such as streets and sidewalks that is immediately adjacent to campus property. This includes McKenzie’s City Park, Bethel Court, University Drive, etc.
A campus Clery Geography map is provided on the last page of this document. This map should not be used to self-determine whether a Clery Act crime should be reported. If an incident could have reasonably occurred within our Clery Geography, report it anyway! The proper authorities will make the final determination based on the information you provide.
I’m a CSA! How Do I Report a Crime!?
If you have determined that you are a CSA and need to report a Clery Act crime, please submit your report using the form at the top of the page. You may also report a crime directly to Campus Security at 731-415-7599.
Any criminal offenses of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, in conjunction with your CSA Report, must also be reported to the Title IX Coordinator immediately. Survivors must be provided written information on their rights, resources, and other available options and the Title IX Coordinator will ensure this.
In addition, if a serious crime that may cause an ongoing threat to the Bethel University community is reported to a CSA, that individual should immediately notify Campus Security. Bethel University has a responsibility to notify the campus community about any crimes that pose a serious or ongoing threat to the community, and as such, CSA’s are obligated by law to report crimes immediately. But regardless, all crimes should be promptly reported to our department no matter how minor, so they may be included in our daily crime log.
The purpose of the CSA Report form is to report an incident to the Campus Security Department for statistical purposes only. A CSA Report will not initiate an investigation by the department unless specifically requested by the victim.
Additional Training
There is an additional training module on the Bethel University Training and Development Courses portal dedicated to Campus Security Authorities. You may refer to this link for further training.
If you are still unsure about your responsibilities as a Campus Security Authority and have additional questions, please contact the Chief of Security.