Tuition and Financial Aid
Most Bethel traditional undergraduate students receive financial assistance, including several institutionally sponsored scholarships and grants that can significantly help with tuition, fees, room, and board.

Explore the scholarship opportunities available to you below as a traditional undergraduate student. For more information about these scholarships, contact the Office of Admissions at (731) 352-4030 or e-mail us at
Academic Honor Scholarships
Academic Scholarships are awarded to new incoming students.
- New freshmen must have an 18/960 ACT/SAT and at least a 2.5 high school GPA to be considered for an academic scholarship.
- New transfer students who have never attended Bethel University must have been full-time at their previous college to be considered for the scholarship.
- Continuing Bethel students who did not receive the scholarship upon entering Bethel are not eligible for an academic scholarship at any time.
- Scholarship recipient’s cumulative GPA is checked yearly at the end of the spring term to determine renewal eligibility.
- If an academic scholarship is lost, the student will be considered for a lesser academic scholarship if their cumulative GPA is at least 2.75.
- A student who has lost their original academic scholarship, but later achieves the required renewal cumulative GPA can request reconsideration for the lost scholarship at the end of the spring term. The student must submit a written request to the Financial Aid Director of the College of Arts and Sciences.
The Four Academic Scholarships are:
Bethel Honor Scholarship
- Varying amounts up to $1,000 for dorm students and $600 for commuters.
- Incoming freshmen must meet the criteria above and have a 20-22/1030-1120 ACT/SAT or have a 3.0 to 3.24 high school cumulative GPA.
- New transfer students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA from the previous college.
- Renewal: 2.75 or higher cumulative GPA.
Deans Honor Scholarship
- Varying amounts up to $2,000 for dorm students and $1,200 for commuters.
- Incoming freshmen must meet the criteria above and have a 23-24/1130-1190 ACT/SAT or have a 3.25 to 3.49 high school cumulative GPA.
- New transfer students must have a 3.2 cumulative GPA from the previous college.
- Renewal: 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA College of Arts and Sciences College of Health Sciences Traditional Undergraduate Scholarships 2.
Trustee Honor Scholarship
- Varying amounts up to $4,000 for dorm students and $2,400 for commuters.
- Incoming freshmen must meet the criteria above and have a 25-26/1200-1250 ACT/SAT or have a 3.5 to 3.74 high school cumulative GPA.
- New transfer students must have a 3.3 cumulative GPA from the previous college.
- Renewal: 3.3 or higher cumulative GPA
Presidential Honor Scholarship
- Varying amounts up to $6,000 for dorm students and $3,600 for commuters.
- Incoming freshmen must meet the criteria above and have a 27/1260 ACT/SAT or have a 3.75 high school cumulative GPA.
- New transfer students must have a 3.4 cumulative GPA from the previous college.
- Renewal: 3.6 or higher cumulative GPA
Academic Theatre Scholarship
Academic Theatre Scholarships vary in amount and are determined by the Director of Theatre. The student must declare a Theatre major and complete an audition and interview process. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Athletic Scholarships
Athletic scholarships are available for all sports programs offered at Bethel University. Scholarship amounts vary in amount and are determined by the head coach of each sports program. A contract must be received each year. Renewal is at the discretion of the coach and athletic director. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Bethel Promise Scholarship
(Associates Program Only)
Bethel Promise is available to a limited number of associate degree students who qualify for the Tennessee Promise Scholarship. It combines with no other Bethel scholarships.
Bethel Service Scholarship
Bethel Service Scholarships vary in amount. Up to $2,500 for dorm students and $1,500 for commuters. The student must complete at least twenty hours of community service each term under the direction of the program director. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Colegio Americano Friendship Scholarship
One full tuition scholarship is awarded each year to a graduate of the Colegio Americano, a Cumberland Presbyterian school in Cali, Colombia, South America. The scholarship can be received for four years. Renewal requires a 2.5 cumulative GPA. This scholarship combines with no other Bethel scholarships.
Community Engagement Scholarship (CES)
This service scholarship varies in amounts and is determined by the program director. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Contiguous County Grant
Contiguous County Grants vary in amount. Up to $1,000 for dorm students and $600 for commuters. The grant is awarded to students whose permanent address per the FAFSA is in Carroll County or one of the seven contiguous counties (Benton, Decatur, Gibson, Henderson, Henry, Madison, or Weakley).
Cumberland Presbyterian Grant
Cumberland Presbyterian Grants vary in amount. Up to $4,000 for dorm students and $2,400 for commuters. The scholarship is awarded to active members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. An application documenting membership for at least one year must be submitted.
Cumberland Presbyterian Ministerial Scholarship
Cumberland Presbyterian Ministerial Scholarships vary in amount. Up to full tuition and fees. This scholarship is for Cumberland Presbyterian students entering the ministry. A completed application documenting approval by the student’s Presbytery and the Bethel University Chaplain must be submitted each year. This scholarship combines with no other Bethel scholarships.
Dual Enrollment Scholarship
Dual Enrollment Scholarships vary in amount. This scholarship only combines with Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Hendrix Scholarship
The Hendrix Scholarship competition is held each year for new incoming freshmen. The first place winner receives full tuition, fees, double room, and meal scholarship. The second place winner receives a tuition and fees scholarship. Renewal requires a 3.6 cumulative GPA. This scholarship combines with no other Bethel scholarships.
Apply Today!Heritage Scholarship
To be considered for the Heritage Scholarship, a first-time freshman must have a 3.75 high school GPA and at least a 27 ACT. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant and Contiguous County Grant. Amounts vary up to $12,000 for dorm students and $8,000 for commuters. Renewal requires a 3.6 cumulative GPA.
Honors Program Scholarship
Honors Program Scholarships are for academically gifted students and vary in amounts up to $10,000 for dorm students and $6,000 for commuters. Incoming freshmen must have a 3.25 GPA and at least a 24 English and Reading ACT. Applications must be submitted to the program director. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant and Contiguous County Grant. Renewal requires a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.0 GPA in all Honors courses.
Multimedia Scholarship
Multimedia Scholarships vary in amount. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Opportunity Scholarship
Opportunity Scholarships vary in amount. Up to $10,000. This scholarship is for students with disadvantaged backgrounds. The student must have a sponsor and reside on campus.
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships are awarded to transfer students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa. The amounts vary up to $1,000 for dorm students and $600 for commuters. Renewal requires a 3.5 cumulative GPA.
Prime Scholarship
Prime Scholarships are available for employees of Prime Trucking or employee’s immediate family. A completed application and proof of employment must be submitted to receive this tuition discount. The Prime Scholarship does not combine with any other Bethel scholarships.
Renaissance Participation Scholarship
Renaissance Participation Scholarships vary in amounts, and auditions are required. Scholarships are available for vocal, theatre, and instrumental talent. This scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Resident Assistant Scholarship
Resident Assistant Scholarships vary in amounts up to $3,720. See the Director of Housing for further information.
Servant Leadership Scholarship
Servant Leadership Scholarships vary in amount. Up to $10,000 for dorm residents and $6,000 for commuters. Students must contribute to Bethel University or the community through approved activities. This scholarship does not combine with any other Bethel Scholarships. Renewal requires a 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Wildcat Booster Scholarship
Wildcat Booster Scholarships vary in amount and are awarded at the discretion of Bethel University. The scholarship only combines with the Cumberland Presbyterian Grant, Contiguous County Grant, and Academic Honor Scholarships.
Financial Aid Disclaimers
Bethel Institutional Scholarships are only awarded to full-time students during fall and spring semesters. They are available for up to ten semesters for a student’s first undergraduate degree. Bethel reserves the right to limit the combining of some institutional scholarships. See each scholarship listed below for details. Bethel aid that has renewal criteria will be checked once a year at the end of the spring term. Students must be meeting the renewal criteria for continuation of the award – no exceptions. Students should report any scholarship they will receive from any source other than Bethel funded aid to the Financial Aid Office.
Note that these scholarships are for traditional undergraduate students enrolling in the College of Arts and Sciences and College of Health Sciences.
Consideration for the academic scholarship programs requires an incoming freshman to have an 18/960 ACT/SAT AND a 2.50 or better high school cumulative GPA. Returning or transfer students must meet the published cumulative GPA renewal criteria for the scholarship they qualify to receive. A student may qualify for ONE academic scholarship at a time. Academic scholarships do not stack with one another.
Commitment of federal or state funds is tentative and contingent upon subsequent congressional and/or state appropriation and actual receipt of the funds by Bethel University.
The Financial Aid Office has the right to review, modify, or cancel an award at any time because of changes in financial, enrollment, residential, or academic status or changes in the academic program.
Bethel University reserves the right to limit the combining of institutional funded aid with federal and state aid or restricted outside scholarships received by a student to the following: Bachelor Program Commuter student – up to the cost of tuition and incidental fees Bachelor Program Dorm student – up to the cost of tuition, incidental fees, double room and meals Associate program students – up to the cost of tuition and incidental fees.