Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
The Bethel University Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree prepares graduates for entry-level professional positions in primary, secondary, and tertiary care settings and advancement to a graduate degree program in Nursing.
The credits of a candidate for a degree must conform to the requirements for graduation as stated in the catalog published for the year of his/her most recent matriculation, or any subsequent one, except that in no case may a candidate graduate under a catalog published more than six years before the date of graduation.
Contact the Department of Nursing for more information.
Course Requirements
129 total graduation hours.
General Education Courses (33 hours)
Program Core Courses (29 hours)
After Notification of Admission to the Nursing Program
Nursing Major (67 hours)
Semester 1: (14 hours)
Semester 2: (15 hours)
Semester-Summer Session: (8 hours)
Semester 3: (15 hours)
Semester 4: (15 hours)
Helpful Links
Choose from two nursing programs: the traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing or the RN to BSN.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing at Bethel University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001
Application Requirements
Students must apply for full-time enrollment in the Nursing program by completing the Nursing program application.
The application deadline for fall admission is March 1st of each year. Applicants must also take the ATI TEAS examination prior to March 1st as part of the admission process. The Department of Nursing administers this examination at scheduled times in January and February of each year.
Eligibility Requirements
Enrollment in any nursing course is limited to students who have applied for the Department of Nursing admission and have been admitted into the Bethel University Nursing program. To be considered for admission, the student must have completed all College of Health Sciences common core requirements and Nursing program core requirements with a grade of C or higher. All common core and program core courses must be completed prior to entering the Nursing program except for 9 credit hours, which may only be taken from REL or FA courses. The student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75.
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